Weight Consultant

Weight Consultant

The weight consultant assists you with your nutrition. If you want to lose weight, it's best to lose fat instead of muscle mass. That's why we always recommend incorporating strength training when aiming to lose weight. The nutritional consultations last for 30 minutes and are preceded by measurements of body fat, muscle mass, and basal metabolism. It's important to make a structural change in your eating and exercise habits. The weight consultant, together with you, examines your current eating and exercise habits, assesses your energy intake, and determines your body's energy needs. Once you know your energy expenditure, you can adjust your food intake accordingly, either to lose weight by eating less or to gain weight by eating more. The weight consultant guides and coaches you to achieve a healthier lifestyle and, more importantly, to sustain this change permanently. The weight consultant can also show you that you can still enjoy delicious food without having to diet your whole life.


Please register at the front desk on the second floor at 74A in advance.


Duration: 30
